Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What to bring for Sew Day

At the last meeting, someone asked what to bring for the Charity Sew Day. While this might seem like an odd question to someone who has been to a million sew days it can be confusing to someone new.

A Sew Day is just like sewing at home except that you have to be more organized, because you aren't actually at home and you may not have everything you need at hand.

First, if you are going to sew blocks, then you will need your machine. Make sure you have the bobbins, knee lift, foot pedal, power cord and feet. If you want your machine bed to be even with a flat surface, a Sew Steady table (or similar) is really helpful. Some people team up in such a way that one person cuts and irons while the other sews. If you are on a team (create the team yourself), then work out with your partner who will tote their machine.

Your editor once heard the term 'BSK', which is a basic sewing kit. This can include thread, bobbins, seam ripper, threader, stiletto, scissors, snips, Wonder clips, pins, etc

A rotary cutting kit is a big must. Even if you are operating the machine on your team, you will need to snip and clip. A rotary kit consists of rotary cutter, mat and ruler. Your editor brings a few rulers, both large and small to accommodate different types of cutting. Usually there is a large shared mat and large shared rulers.

If you are working on a team and lining patches up for your partner, then pins can help with efficiency. Wonder Clips can keep pieces and parts together until you are ready for them.

The charity team usually puts a call out for irons and ironing boards. It helps not having to tote your ironing board, but if you have a small board and iron for quick touch ups, you might want to bring it for convenience.

You may need fabric. The guild often supplies some or all fabric, but if you have an idea you want to try out and then donate the top to charity, you will want to bring your own fabric.

If there is time, you can bring a project of your own to work on.

Quick checklist of basics to bring:
  • sewing machine plus accessories
  • Fabric!!!
  • thread
  • bobbins
  • Wonder Clips,
  • pins
  • scissors
  • Charity quilt kits
  • rotary cutting kit
  • snips
  • seam ripper
  • stiletto, if you use one
  • cushion for a chair
  • power strip OR
  • extension cord
  • Sew Steady-type table (optional)
  • Iron and ironing board (optional)
This may not be a complete list, so check the tools and supplies you use as you sew.

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